Musication – the fusion of my music and education.

The Big Screen-Touch screen idea rolls on.

The idea has been expanding over the last few weeks to a point where I’m wondering if I will actually be able to pull this off… ? After a lecture from Tony Churnside and Ian Forrester, members of BBC’s R&D department covering the importance of social media, connecting with people and using Microsoft Kinect to create a unique musical experience in cooperation with the BBC Philharmonic, my brain began working at double speed. I began thinking how I could incorporate these ideas in to my final year project. I have already planned to use touch screen synthesizers, video footage and social media in order to create this project but the lecture has added another dimension to an already ambitious idea.

Since the last post on the subject, I have contacted blip interactive via email and have had several conversations regarding the use of their Nano Studio and how or if it is possible to use multiple instances of it over several touch screen tables and also contacted Chesca Miles via Twitter to ask if she would be interested in taking part in the filming aspect, performing motorcycle stunt riding at one of her training spots in London. The next big step to take is to figure out how to control video using the touchscreen tables via MIDI….

This is something I am going to have to research.

I will post more on the subject as things progress.

Thanks for reading.


6 responses

  1. The concept behind this project is awesome, it brings back so many memories of watching jean michelle jarre and his light harp at the docklands. I have no doubt that your reservations will be calmed and your project will be nothing short of stunning, I personally cannot wait to see the results.

    Stay safe. Paul

    March 4, 2012 at 7:18 pm

    • Thanks Paul! Really inspiring to see some faith in my idea. I myself am thinking have I taken on too much???

      March 4, 2012 at 7:22 pm

      • The great thing about projects is you can take the original premise and expand the idea to it’s full potential. I don’t think you have taken too much on but suffer from the same thing we all do when taking on any new project….. where do I start ?

        Once the start point is found the ideas will flow free. Hang in there mate, the benefits are coming


        March 4, 2012 at 7:46 pm

  2. Hi Jayy, nice post, love to see the ideas flying, that’s brilliant at this stage but it’s normal to focus more when you get close to actually starting to make stuff.

    March 4, 2012 at 7:37 pm

  3. Terrific ideas — and it’s so great that you are engaging creatively.

    March 5, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    • I’ve been addicted to social media pretty much since day one. The days of Myspace and everyone being able to add each other instead of having to scribble down a phone number to contact someone. There’s an ease. Now, being at university is a totally different experience for me than it was 10 years ago. I am able to connect with both lecturers and students in a way that wasn’t possible first time around so I can afford to throw my net wider in order to expand my ideas and even connect with people within the industry that I want to end up in. I am looking forward to making this project idea a reality and hope you will follow my progression with interest as it evolves! – Thanks.

      March 5, 2012 at 12:39 pm

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