Musication – the fusion of my music and education.

Posts tagged “mental health

University as a mature student; a help or hinderance?

When I left school 12 years ago, I thought I had it all sussed. I was going to college then on to university and then in to the big wide world to work  in my chosen industry. I spent a year at Wigan and Leigh college and got my intermediate GNVQ Performing arts and re-took my GCSE music due to failing it in school. I then went on to MANCAT to study for a BTEC ND in Popular music and recording for 2 years and progressed to Salford university’s BA (Hons) Pop. Music and recording course. I stuck it out for 6 months and then decided that this was not the course for me. By this time, I was 20. I’d had enough of education and decided to get a job.
